About this role




Our purpose as a council is to tackle inequality and make sure that no one is left behind. Surrey has a growing and ageing population, with more people likely to be living in worse health in their later years. The impacts of the pandemic have widened existing inequalities across physical, mental and social health.  The size of the county, and our population of 1.2 million, means that our system is relatively large and complex. Surrey Heartlands ICP covers most of the county, with about 100,000 of our residents on the west of the county being served by Frimley Health and Care ICP.  There are five hospitals (of which one is just out of the county), plus Surrey and Borders Mental Health Trust and a number of system-level community providers.

With a budget of around £500m, this role will be responsible for working across the system to reduce widening health inequalities, accelerating health and social care integration to respond to new demands.  You'll be a member of the Corporate Leadership Team, a partner to Surrey Heartlands (SH) and Frimley ICSs, and a standing contributor to the SH ICS Executive. Overseeing a portfolio of services, you'll drive collaboration between the county council and health partners, facilitating change at a systems level to deliver on our joint accountabilities to improve care and wellbeing outcomes for Surrey’s population. We want to ensure that a growing and connected system brings shared benefits to people in every part of the County; you will lead on the integration of our operational services and deliver our shared ambition to improve population health outcomes and tackle inequalities.

We want our new Executive Director to focus on a number of specific priorities. These include continuing to prepare for our next inspection, as part of our continuous improvement culture rather than for its own sake; reviewing budgets and identifying where we can improve system flow; making further progress with integration; and developing more effective, accessible mental health provision, particularly for children and young people. Prevention is an important part of our overall strategy, and the Council has invested significantly in this approach. Extra care housing and social prescribing are two examples of effective joined-up thinking. We're also investing in integrated commissioning across our four major geographies, and digital transformation of pathways into adult social care.

But your corporate contribution will be just as significant. This role is a key part of the council’s senior leadership group, and candidates must have commensurate experience, insight, professional credibility and a firm grasp of working within a democratic context. At a time of ongoing change and renewal, your visible, inspiring leadership will be very important. This role will be at the heart of many different networks, so you will be a visible convenor, collaborator, and negotiator – someone who can make the most of positional power and influence to build strong relationships of shared purpose across the county.


We're looking for an exceptional, experienced and inspiring person to come and build on excellent foundations. And it's a great time to join us: while it's certainly a big job, you'll have the resources and capacity you'll need, and there's strong alignment between elected and executive leaders.

Surrey matters at a national level, and getting this right makes an enormous difference to hundreds of thousands of people.